Thursday, March 25, 2010

Breaking the Silence

I'm breaking my "rule" that I made for myself to follow some of Mary's (and my friend, let's call her Chile's)counsel.

I had a day that was totally down in the dumps, didn't know where to turn. Chile shined God's truth in my eyes (as she always does for me) and got me back on the basics.

Remember that I said Mary Pierce stated in her book (Confessions of a Prayer Wimp) to have all the clutter out of your life? She also talked about becoming unplugged. For as long as possible. I thought about doing it tomorrow, but then I thought I would do it for the whole weekend. I do want to watch a movie or two with my kiddos this weekend, but I'm not allowing myself to answer the phone (unless it's close family or my kiddos' school) or go online (except I HAD to blog about it tonight).

I got so much done this afternoon! I cleared out a bunch of "nick knacks" and put them in a box (a friend of mine is going to have a garage sale soon). I dusted on top of my cabinets (trust me, it's been to long) and almost got all the laundry finished.

I played with my kids, helped my son finish his homework, and got both the kids to bed EARLY.

Yep, I think God is confirming it. I have been trying to build a business I can do from home for four years now (not the same company, two different ones). I think I'm done trying to build it. I'm going to take care of what's in these four walls of my home for as long as God allows me to stay home. He will provide. Either my business will take off or He will provide something to sustain me when "my time" (long story, have to be another post) is up or He will provide the money so I can stay home when that time has expired.

Thank God for Chile. She is truly a blessing. I'm so glad God used her to get me more focused.. . .and I didn't have to pay her $50 per month (sorry, Coach!).

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