Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Long Day

What a long day. My parents stayed the night last night, they live in a different state; but are in the process of buying a house closer to us. They tend to get "antsy" if we sit around the house too much. I guess it's because they're not used to just relaxing in someone else's house. At either rate, my son had a basketball game in the morning and then I figured we would get him changed and we could go out. My parents had a different idea. They thought it would be better if we didn't go home until after lunch and went to look at furniture at three different stores.

Normally, no problem. Today, problem. I have a three year old and a seven year old. They're not gonna calmly go into a store covered with chairs, sofas, beds . . .you name it and be calm and cool. No, no. They actually did pretty good, all things considered. We went to a home improvement place first, then we went to a "regular" furniture store. When they started running around the store I decided it was time to ask for my dad's keys and sit in the car with my two little angels. Instead of us going to the third store, we were happily dropped off at a local bookstore for an open house event.

At first I was upset because the bookstore was a Christian bookstore and my step-mom is so against anything that might have to do with God. Then I thought it would be good that they go to the third store and leave us behind.. our good "luck" with the kiddos' behavior might backfire.

I hate that my parents so disagree with the way I want to raise my kiddos. They love that they are loving and kind (for the most part) and obey pretty well, but they don't want to admit that the way my kiddos got to be that way is by the way my husband and I are raising them.

I heard a commercial on the radio where the person talked about what you're willing to "sell" just to have some peace in your life. Would you sell your morals, beliefs, God? So many times I decide to "compromise" the way I discipline my children when I'm around my parents, just for peace. I have a feeling that God is allowing them to move back into our state just so I will be forced to stop this cycle. I am truly ashamed that I allow my children to get away with more than I would if the grandparents weren't around. I guess it's just another lesson I'm going to get to learn. . .possibly sooner than I'd like to.

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